2025 Guide to the Magic of New + Full Moons : Dates, Spiritual Meaning, Symbols, and How to Align with Lunar Energy

February 24, 2025

2025 Guide to the Magic of New + Full Moons : Dates, Spiritual Meaning, Symbols, and How to Align with Lunar Energy


The New and Full Moons in 2025 hold powerful energies that can inspire profound transformations, spiritual growth, and personal insight. Understanding the dates, names, signs, symbolism, and spiritual significance of these lunar events allows us to harness their energies for manifestation, reflection, and healing. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner of moon rituals or a newcomer to lunar magic, this comprehensive guide will help you align with the cosmic rhythms of 2025. Plus, we've curated special Rox Box Full Moon Collections to enhance your spiritual journey with crystal energy throughout the year. Let's dive into the magic of the moons!

1. The New Moon: Beginnings and Intentions

The New Moon marks a time of new beginnings, planting seeds, and setting intentions for the cycle ahead. It's a moment for inner reflection, quiet contemplation, and aligning with your highest purpose. With each New Moon, we have the opportunity to start fresh, renew our goals, and initiate change.

New Moon Dates in 2025:

  • January 1st – Capricorn New Moon
  • February 19th – Pisces New Moon
  • March 20th – Aries New Moon
  • April 18th – Aries New Moon
  • May 19th – Taurus New Moon
  • June 17th – Gemini New Moon
  • July 17th – Cancer New Moon
  • August 16th – Leo New Moon
  • September 14th – Virgo New Moon
  • October 14th – Libra New Moon
  • November 13th – Scorpio New Moon
  • December 12th – Sagittarius New Moon

During the New Moon, use the time for setting powerful intentions and connecting with your inner self. Crystals like Clear Quartz, Labradorite, and Amethyst are perfect companions for amplifying your energy during this time. You can explore these stones further in our Rox Box Full Moon Collection to help you integrate new moon energies with intention-setting.

2. The Full Moon: Illumination and Completion

The Full Moon represents the peak of energy in the lunar cycle. It's a time of culmination, clarity, and illumination. The energy of the Full Moon illuminates all that is hidden and reveals the truth. It’s a time to reflect on your progress, release what no longer serves you, and embrace the wisdom gained from the past cycle.

Full Moon Dates in 2025:

  • January 25th – Wolf Moon (Leo)
    Explore the January Full Moon Wolf Moon Rox Box Crystal Set to amplify the energies of courage, leadership, and protection.
    January Full Moon Collection

  • February 24th – Snow Moon (Virgo)
    The February Full Moon Snow Moon Rox Box Crystal Set brings grounding and clarity during this time of cleansing.
    February Full Moon Collection

  • March 25th – Worm Moon (Libra)
    The March Full Moon Worm Moon Rox Box Crystal Set enhances balance and harmony in relationships.
    March Full Moon Collection

  • April 23rd – Pink Moon (Scorpio)
    The April Full Moon Pink Moon Rox Box Crystal Set brings emotional healing and transformation.
    April Full Moon Collection

  • May 24th – Flower Moon (Sagittarius)
    The May Full Moon Flower Moon Rox Box Crystal Set invokes growth and abundance in all areas of life.
    May Full Moon Collection

  • June 22nd – Strawberry Moon (Capricorn)
    The June Full Moon Strawberry Moon Rox Box Crystal Set enhances love, self-care, and nurturing energy.
    June Full Moon Collection

  • July 21st – Buck Moon (Aquarius)
    The July Full Moon Buck Moon Rox Box Crystal Set provides support for embracing personal strength and resilience.
    July Full Moon Collection

  • August 19th – Sturgeon Moon (Leo)
    The August Full Moon Sturgeon Moon Rox Box Crystal Set encourages wisdom and spiritual enlightenment.
    August Full Moon Collection

  • September 17th – Harvest Moon (Pisces)
    The September Full Moon Harvest Moon Rox Box Crystal Set honors gratitude and abundance.
    September Full Moon Collection

  • October 17th – Hunter's Moon (Aries)
    The October Full Moon Hunter's Moon Rox Box Crystal Set encourages action and courage to pursue your goals.
    October Full Moon Collection

  • November 15th – Beaver Moon (Taurus)
    The November Full Moon Beaver Moon Rox Box Crystal Set helps with grounding and fortifying your goals.
    November Full Moon Collection

  • December 14th – Cold Moon (Gemini)
    The December Full Moon Cold Moon Rox Box Crystal Set offers closure and integration, helping you reflect on the year.
    December Full Moon Collection

3. Symbolism and Spiritual Significance of the Moons

Each Full Moon and New Moon has its own spiritual significance and symbolic meaning, often linked to nature, seasons, and cultural traditions.

1. Wolf Moon (January 25, 2025) - Leo

  • Symbolism: The Wolf Moon represents the wolf's call to the wild, symbolizing loyalty, intuition, and the connection to one's inner instincts. It’s a time to embrace your personal power and explore your leadership qualities.
  • Spiritual Significance: Spiritually, the Wolf Moon encourages individuals to follow their intuition, listen to their inner voice, and take bold steps in pursuing their life purpose. It’s a call to strengthen your connection to your own inner strength and purpose.

2. Snow Moon (February 24, 2025) - Virgo

  • Symbolism: The Snow Moon symbolizes purity, quiet reflection, and cleansing. It’s a time of renewal, introspection, and focusing on physical and emotional healing.
  • Spiritual Significance: Virgo’s energy invites you to reassess your habits, routines, and health. Spiritually, it encourages self-care practices and decluttering your life, both physically and mentally. It’s a time for purification and laying the groundwork for new beginnings.

3. Worm Moon (March 25, 2025) - Libra

  • Symbolism: The Worm Moon marks the arrival of spring, with new life emerging from the earth. It represents growth, fertility, and fresh starts. As worms begin to appear, it symbolizes the potential for personal and collective growth.
  • Spiritual Significance: Libra, the sign of balance and harmony, calls for alignment in relationships and inner peace. This is a time to heal rifts, find balance in your life, and focus on beauty and peace within relationships, whether romantic, family, or professional.

4. Pink Moon (April 23, 2025) - Scorpio

  • Symbolism: The Pink Moon represents new life and renewal, linked to the blossoming of flowers in spring. Scorpio’s energy intensifies this moon, invoking themes of transformation, regeneration, and deep emotional healing.
  • Spiritual Significance: The Pink Moon is spiritually charged with the power of transformation. It’s a time to shed old emotional baggage, embrace inner healing, and empower yourself through difficult transitions. Scorpio’s power supports rebirth and self-empowerment.

5. Flower Moon (May 24, 2025) - Sagittarius

  • Symbolism: The Flower Moon is a celebration of nature’s vibrant bloom. It represents abundance, beauty, and creativity. This moon aligns with growth, offering a period to honor the beauty in your life and the world around you.
  • Spiritual Significance: The Flower Moon encourages spiritual expansion and exploration. Sagittarius’ energy is one of adventure, philosophy, and learning, inspiring you to explore new paths, seek truth, and expand your horizons—both spiritually and intellectually.

6. Strawberry Moon (June 22, 2025) - Capricorn

  • Symbolism: The Strawberry Moon is connected to the harvest season, symbolizing abundance and fulfillment. It represents the culmination of effort and the rewards of hard work.
  • Spiritual Significance: Capricorn’s influence brings structure and discipline, making it a powerful time for reflecting on your goals, career, and material success. Spiritually, it’s a moon for grounding your dreams into reality, manifesting through patience and persistence.

7. Buck Moon (July 21, 2025) - Aquarius

  • Symbolism: The Buck Moon marks the peak of summer and the time when buck deer begin to grow new antlers. It symbolizes strength, renewal, and the emergence of leadership.
  • Spiritual Significance: Aquarius, known for its innovative and rebellious nature, inspires us to embrace individuality and collective progress. Spiritually, this moon encourages you to think outside the box, embrace social change, and lead with compassion and vision.

8. Sturgeon Moon (August 19, 2025) - Aquarius

  • Symbolism: The Sturgeon Moon is tied to the abundance of fish, particularly the large sturgeon that was caught during this time. It symbolizes abundance, clarity, and perseverance.
  • Spiritual Significance: Like the Buck Moon, Aquarius brings focus on progress and evolution. The Sturgeon Moon spiritually asks you to tap into your creativity and innovations. It’s a time for progress in both personal and collective ventures. The energy is strong for making breakthroughs and embracing new visions.

9. Harvest Moon (September 17, 2025) - Pisces

  • Symbolism: The Harvest Moon marks the culmination of the growing season, symbolizing abundance, fruition, and gratitude. It represents the gathering of efforts and enjoying the fruits of your labor.
  • Spiritual Significance: The Pisces Full Moon is a time to tune into your intuition and emotional wisdom. It encourages spiritual reflection, surrender, and letting go. It’s a time for emotional cleansing and meditation, preparing to release the past and embrace new beginnings.

10. Hunter's Moon (October 17, 2025) - Aries

  • Symbolism: The Hunter’s Moon symbolizes the time of preparation for winter, when hunting was essential. It represents action, survival, and focusing on goals.
  • Spiritual Significance: Aries’ fiery energy encourages action, courage, and leadership. Spiritually, this moon invites you to take bold steps, set intentions, and pursue your desires with vigor. It’s a time for being assertive and driven in your personal goals.

11. Beaver Moon (November 15, 2025) - Taurus

  • Symbolism: The Beaver Moon represents the time of year when beavers begin preparing their lodges for winter. It symbolizes preparation, security, and building a strong foundation for the future.
  • Spiritual Significance: Taurus' grounded energy encourages you to reflect on your material security and financial stability. This is a time to cultivate peace, reconnect with nature, and focus on creating lasting stability in your life. It’s a perfect moment to evaluate your values and align with them.

12. Cold Moon (December 14, 2025) - Gemini

  • Symbolism: The Cold Moon represents the quiet of winter’s arrival, symbolizing stillness, rest, and introspection. It encourages slowing down and reflecting on the year.
  • Spiritual Significance: Gemini’s dual nature invites you to balance your thoughts, emotions, and communication. Spiritually, the Cold Moon is a time for reflection on the past year, evaluating your intellectual growth, and setting intentions for the future. It’s a time to clear mental clutter and prepare for the year ahead.

Each Full Moon brings its own symbolic energy, encouraging us to connect with the cycles of nature, tap into our intuition, and make strides in our personal and spiritual growth. These lunar phases are reminders to reflect, release, and renew—allowing us to align our actions with the cosmos throughout the year.

4. History and Cultural Importance of the Moons

For centuries, humans have looked to the moon as a guide for planting, harvesting, and understanding the rhythms of life. The names of Full Moons, often drawn from Native American traditions, reflect the natural cycles of the earth and the seasons. For example, the Harvest Moon traditionally occurred around the time of the autumn harvest, providing light for farmers working in the fields late into the night.

1. Wolf Moon (January 25, 2025) - Leo

  • History: The Wolf Moon is traditionally named after the wolves that would howl in hunger outside Native American villages during the cold winter nights. It marks the beginning of the year, symbolizing a time of reflection, introspection, and the call to begin new ventures.
  • Cultural Importance: For many Indigenous tribes, the Wolf Moon was a time to set intentions for the new year. Wolves, often seen as symbols of loyalty and intuition, taught people the value of community and listening to one’s inner voice during this time of year.

2. Snow Moon (February 24, 2025) - Virgo

  • History: The Snow Moon got its name from the heavy snowfalls that were common in February. This moon was seen as a time to prepare for the harsh winter months and plan for the warmer season ahead.
  • Cultural Importance: Traditionally, this moon was linked to staying warm and ensuring enough food for the cold months. It also signified a time for spiritual growth and internal reflection. In some Native cultures, it was a time to prepare for new beginnings and future opportunities, aligning with the energy of Virgo’s practicality.

3. Worm Moon (March 25, 2025) - Libra

  • History: The Worm Moon marks the arrival of spring when the ground thaws and earthworms appear, signaling the return of warmer weather and the beginning of the planting season. This moon is tied to the awakening of the earth.
  • Cultural Importance: The Worm Moon was a signal to farmers to start preparing the soil for planting. It symbolized renewal, growth, and the re-emergence of life after the long winter. Tribes often saw it as a time to cultivate both the earth and their inner lives.

4. Pink Moon (April 23, 2025) - Scorpio

  • History: Named after the pink moss phlox, one of the first flowers to bloom in the spring, the Pink Moon marks the start of nature’s revival after the cold months.
  • Cultural Importance: This moon was traditionally seen as a time to sow seeds, both literally and figuratively. It represented growth, transformation, and the beginning of a new cycle. In Native American culture, it was a time to honor the sacredness of the earth and its cycles of rebirth.

5. Flower Moon (May 24, 2025) - Sagittarius

  • History: The Flower Moon was named after the abundance of spring flowers that bloom in May. This moon symbolized the richness of nature and the flourishing of life.
  • Cultural Importance: For many Indigenous tribes, the Flower Moon was a time to honor the earth's fertility and beauty. It was a period of gratitude for the abundance of nature, and it was also considered a time for connecting with the divine feminine energy of the earth.

6. Strawberry Moon (June 22, 2025) - Capricorn

  • History: Named for the harvesting of strawberries during this time, the Strawberry Moon was associated with abundance, harvest, and sustenance.
  • Cultural Importance: It was traditionally a time to collect and preserve food for the year ahead. For many Indigenous groups, it also marked the midpoint of the growing season, serving as a reminder of the fruits of labor and the importance of perseverance and discipline.

7. Buck Moon (July 21, 2025) - Aquarius

  • History: The Buck Moon was named after the time when male deer (bucks) begin to grow their new antlers, symbolizing growth and strength. It marks a time of transformation and renewal in the natural world.
  • Cultural Importance: This moon was often seen as a time to strengthen one's will and character. It was a period for reflection on the strength and resilience of the earth’s creatures, and a call for humans to embody those same qualities of growth and renewal in their own lives.

8. Sturgeon Moon (August 19, 2025) - Aquarius

  • History: Named after the sturgeon fish, which were most readily caught during this time of year, the Sturgeon Moon marks the peak of summer, when fishing was abundant.
  • Cultural Importance: It was seen as a time of abundance, and for many Native American tribes, it represented a time to be grateful for the bounty of the rivers and lakes. It was also a time for family gatherings and rituals that honored the abundance of life.

9. Harvest Moon (September 17, 2025) - Pisces

  • History: The Harvest Moon is the Full Moon closest to the autumn equinox, providing extra light for farmers to harvest crops. It is one of the most important moons in agricultural cultures.
  • Cultural Importance: Historically, this moon was associated with celebrating the harvest and the abundance of the earth. It marked a time of gratitude, community, and preparation for the coming winter. It also signified a time of introspection and reflection on the year’s work.

10. Hunter’s Moon (October 17, 2025) - Aries

  • History: Named for the hunting season when animals were fattened and easier to hunt, the Hunter's Moon marks the time when the harvest is complete and the focus shifts to preparing for winter.
  • Cultural Importance: This moon was traditionally linked to survival and self-sufficiency. It encouraged the gathering of food and materials for the winter months. It also symbolized courage, strength, and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances.

11. Beaver Moon (November 15, 2025) - Taurus

  • History: The Beaver Moon is named for the time when beavers prepare their lodges for winter. It signifies the final preparations for the harsh months ahead.
  • Cultural Importance: It was a time to ensure everything was in order for the winter. The Beaver Moon encouraged building strong foundations, securing resources, and ensuring stability for the months to come. It also symbolized industriousness, patience, and perseverance.

12. Cold Moon (December 14, 2025) - Gemini

  • History: The Cold Moon marks the longest nights of the year, symbolizing stillness, rest, and quiet. It is named for the bitter cold of winter that arrives in December.
  • Cultural Importance: Traditionally, the Cold Moon was a time for reflection, rest, and preparing for the upcoming year. It was a time to go inward, evaluate the year that had passed, and prepare for renewal. It also represented the light of the winter solstice, symbolizing hope and the return of longer days.

Each Full Moon was historically tied to specific natural events, from planting and harvesting to hunting and preparing for winter. These moons helped ancient peoples stay in rhythm with the cycles of nature and provided spiritual guidance for aligning with the earth's natural flow.


5. How to Use Moon Energy in Your Spiritual Practice

  • Set Intentions During the New Moon: Write down your goals, desires, and intentions for the lunar cycle ahead. Use this time to align with your higher purpose and set a clear vision for your journey.
  • Release During the Full Moon: The Full Moon is a powerful time to let go of what no longer serves you. Use this time to release old habits, negative energy, and emotional blockages.
  • Incorporate Crystals: Crystals are a perfect tool for amplifying the energies of the moon. Our Rox Box Full Moon Collections are carefully curated to support your moon rituals with the perfect stones for each lunar phase.

 Full Moon names, dates, signs, and links to crystal sets:

Full Moon Name Date (2025) Sign Link to Crystal Set
Wolf Moon (January) January 25 Leo January Full Moon - Wolf Moon Rox Box Crystal Set
Snow Moon (February) February 24 Virgo February Full Moon - Snow Moon Rox Box Crystal Set
Worm Moon (March) March 25 Libra March Full Moon - Worm Moon Rox Box Crystal Set
Pink Moon (April) April 23 Scorpio April Full Moon - Pink Moon Rox Box Crystal Set
Flower Moon (May) May 24 Sagittarius May Full Moon - Flower Moon Rox Box Crystal Set
Strawberry Moon (June) June 22 Capricorn June Full Moon - Strawberry Moon Rox Box Crystal Set
Buck Moon (July) July 21 Aquarius July Full Moon - Buck Moon Rox Box Crystal Set
Sturgeon Moon (August) August 19 Leo August Full Moon - Sturgeon Moon Rox Box Crystal Set
Harvest Moon (September) September 17 Pisces September Full Moon - Harvest Moon Rox Box Crystal Set
Hunter's Moon (October) October 17 Aries October Full Moon - Hunter's Moon Rox Box Crystal Set
Beaver Moon (November) November 15 Taurus November Full Moon - Beaver Moon Rox Box Crystal Set
Cold Moon (December) December 14 Gemini December Full Moon - Cold Moon Rox Box Crystal Set

6. Full Moon and Zodiac Signs:

The Full Moon in any given month will always occur in the opposite sign of the Sun at that time, because the Full Moon happens when the Moon is directly across from the Sun in the sky (180 degrees apart). For example, if the Sun is in Capricorn, the Full Moon will be in Cancer. So the signs listed for the Full Moons in 2025 are based on when the Full Moon will occur and which sign the Moon will be in at that time.

Signs for the Full Moons in 2025:

Here’s a quick breakdown, verifying whether the signs in your chart are accurate:

  1. Wolf Moon (January):

    • Date: January 25, 2025
    • Sign: The Full Moon will be in Leo (exactly opposite the Sun, which will be in Aquarius).
    • Wolf Moon is in Leo.
  2. Snow Moon (February):

    • Date: February 24, 2025
    • Sign: The Full Moon will be in Virgo (opposite the Sun in Pisces).
    • The Snow Moon is in Virgo.
  3. Worm Moon (March):

    • Date: March 25, 2025
    • Sign: The Full Moon will be in Libra (opposite the Sun in Aries).
    • The Worm Moon is in Libra.
  4. Pink Moon (April):

    • Date: April 23, 2025
    • Sign: The Full Moon will be in Scorpio (opposite the Sun in Taurus).
    • The Pink Moon is in Scorpio.
  5. Flower Moon (May):

    • Date: May 24, 2025
    • Sign: The Full Moon will be in Sagittarius (opposite the Sun in Gemini).
    • The Flower Moon is in Sagittarius.
  6. Strawberry Moon (June):

    • Date: June 22, 2025
    • Sign: The Full Moon will be in Capricorn (opposite the Sun in Cancer).
    • The Strawberry Moon is in Capricorn.
  7. Buck Moon (July):

    • Date: July 21, 2025
    • Sign: The Full Moon will be in Aquarius (opposite the Sun in Leo).
    • The Buck Moon is in Aquarius.
  8. Sturgeon Moon (August):

    • Date: August 19, 2025
    • Sign: The Full Moon will be in Aquarius (opposite the Sun in Leo).
    • The Sturgeon Moon is in Aquarius.
  9. Harvest Moon (September):

    • Date: September 17, 2025
    • Sign: The Full Moon will be in Pisces (opposite the Sun in Virgo).
    • The Harvest Moon is in Pisces.
  10. Hunter's Moon (October):

    • Date: October 17, 2025
    • Sign: The Full Moon will be in Aries (opposite the Sun in Libra).
    • The Hunter's Moon is in Aries.
  11. Beaver Moon (November):

    • Date: November 15, 2025
    • Sign: The Full Moon will be in Taurus (opposite the Sun in Scorpio).
    • The Beaver Moon is in Taurus.
  12. Cold Moon (December):

    • Date: December 14, 2025
    • Sign: The Full Moon will be in Gemini (opposite the Sun in Sagittarius).
    • The Cold Moon is in Gemini.

7. Did You Know

1. Wolf Moon (January 25, 2025) - Leo

  • Did you know: The Leo Full Moon amplifies creativity, self-expression, and passion. It's an ideal time to put your heart into your projects.
  • Did you know: This Full Moon encourages boldness and confidence, making it a great period to take risks and step into leadership roles.
  • Did you know: Leo is ruled by the Sun, so this Full Moon often brings an emphasis on recognition, making it a perfect time for personal celebration or showcasing your talents.

2. Snow Moon (February 24, 2025) - Virgo

  • Did you know: The Virgo Full Moon is all about grounding and finding order. It encourages a practical approach to achieving your goals and simplifying life.
  • Did you know: This moon highlights self-improvement, and it's an excellent time to release unhealthy habits and create new routines.
  • Did you know: Virgo’s analytical energy may bring clarity to areas of your life that need attention, making it a great time for planning and organizing.

3. Worm Moon (March 25, 2025) - Libra

  • Did you know: The Libra Full Moon is all about relationships, both romantic and platonic. It encourages balance and harmony in your connections with others.
  • Did you know: Libra’s focus on fairness can prompt you to seek resolutions in any conflicts and create more peace in your environment.
  • Did you know: Libra’s desire for beauty and refinement may lead to creative ideas and an appreciation for art, making it a good time for artistic endeavors.

4. Pink Moon (April 23, 2025) - Scorpio

  • Did you know: The Scorpio Full Moon encourages deep transformation, shedding old skin to make way for personal rebirth.
  • Did you know: Scorpio’s intense and passionate energy promotes healing from emotional wounds, making this a powerful time to confront past traumas.
  • Did you know: This Full Moon encourages you to embrace your shadows and work through them for personal empowerment, creating lasting change.

5. Flower Moon (May 24, 2025) - Sagittarius

  • Did you know: The Sagittarius Full Moon celebrates expansion, adventure, and new horizons. It’s a time to take leaps of faith and pursue new knowledge.
  • Did you know: Sagittarius’ love for freedom and exploration makes this Full Moon an excellent time for setting long-term goals and taking spontaneous trips.
  • Did you know: This moon invites you to reflect on your philosophical beliefs and expand your worldview, encouraging growth in mind, body, and spirit.

6. Strawberry Moon (June 22, 2025) - Capricorn

  • Did you know: The Capricorn Full Moon emphasizes discipline, hard work, and achieving long-term success. It’s a time to reflect on career goals and long-term plans.
  • Did you know: Capricorn’s grounded nature helps you stay focused and pragmatic, making this Full Moon ideal for tackling projects that require patience and persistence.
  • Did you know: This Full Moon invites you to take responsibility for your actions, empowering you to take ownership of your goals and push forward with determination.

7. Buck Moon (July 21, 2025) - Aquarius

  • Did you know: The Aquarius Full Moon brings a burst of innovation and unconventional thinking, encouraging you to break free from traditional paths.
  • Did you know: Aquarius’ humanitarian energy may inspire you to work for the collective good, sparking social activism or engaging in community-driven projects.
  • Did you know: This moon encourages you to think outside the box, promoting progress and forward-thinking solutions to modern problems.

8. Sturgeon Moon (August 19, 2025) - Aquarius

  • Did you know: Similar to the Buck Moon, the Aquarius Full Moon promotes individuality, technology, and ideas that can change the world.
  • Did you know: Aquarius is known for its eccentric energy, which can inspire radical breakthroughs, perfect for embracing new methods of thinking or being.
  • Did you know: Aquarius’ intellectual energy often brings clarity to group dynamics and social structures, making this a great time to focus on collective goals and ideals.

9. Harvest Moon (September 17, 2025) - Pisces

  • Did you know: The Pisces Full Moon taps into intuition, spirituality, and empathy, making it a time to connect with your higher self and explore dreams.
  • Did you know: Pisces’ dreamy energy encourages creative expression, so it’s an ideal time for artistic projects that require emotional depth and inspiration.
  • Did you know: This moon invites you to let go of unrealistic expectations and embrace surrender, helping you trust the process of life.

10. Hunter's Moon (October 17, 2025) - Aries

  • Did you know: The Aries Full Moon brings energy, courage, and a sense of adventure, encouraging you to take bold action and seize opportunities.
  • Did you know: Aries’ fiery passion and drive make this Full Moon ideal for beginning new projects or revamping old ones with enthusiasm and vigor.
  • Did you know: Aries’ leadership qualities encourage independence, urging you to take charge of your life and pursue what you desire without hesitation.

11. Beaver Moon (November 15, 2025) - Taurus

  • Did you know: The Taurus Full Moon is grounded, focused on stability, and security, encouraging you to reflect on your material resources and financial goals.
  • Did you know: Taurus’ connection to nature and beauty inspires you to connect with the earth, making this a great time for self-care rituals or cultivating a sense of peace in your environment.
  • Did you know: This moon’s steady energy helps you manifest abundance, supporting long-term financial stability and growth.

12. Cold Moon (December 14, 2025) - Gemini

  • Did you know: The Gemini Full Moon focuses on communication, learning, and adaptability, making it a time to release outdated beliefs and embrace new ideas.
  • Did you know: Gemini’s duality allows you to explore both your logical and creative sides, helping you see both sides of a situation with clarity and objectivity.
  • Did you know: This Full Moon encourages you to engage in stimulating conversations and embrace new learning opportunities, expanding your knowledge and connections.

8. Align with the lunar energy for each Full Moon in 2025

Month Full Moon Name Zodiac Sign How to Align with Lunar Energy
January Wolf Moon Leo Express Creativity: Tap into your inner creativity and take bold actions in your personal and professional life. Engage in activities that allow you to shine and be recognized.
February Snow Moon Virgo Organize and Heal: Use this time for decluttering and organizing your physical and mental space. Focus on self-improvement and health-related goals.
March Worm Moon Libra Seek Balance: Cultivate harmony in relationships by resolving conflicts and improving communication. Consider creating a peaceful space at home or within your social circles.
April Pink Moon Scorpio Embrace Transformation: Dive deep into personal growth. Let go of past emotional baggage and heal from past wounds. Focus on intimacy and vulnerability in your relationships.
May Flower Moon Sagittarius Expand Horizons: Embrace adventure and new opportunities. Set long-term goals and explore new knowledge or skills. Travel or broaden your worldview to stimulate growth.
June Strawberry Moon Capricorn Set Long-Term Goals: Use this time to review your career and financial plans. Focus on discipline and persistence to achieve long-term success and stability.
July Buck Moon Aquarius Break Free and Innovate: Embrace new ideas and think outside the box. Pursue unconventional methods or causes, and contribute to community or global change.
August Sturgeon Moon Aquarius Innovate and Reflect: Like the Buck Moon, embrace unconventional approaches. Focus on your unique qualities and social contributions, and reflect on your connection with the collective.
September Harvest Moon Pisces Tune Into Intuition: Connect with your inner wisdom and emotions. Reflect on your spiritual path and practice compassion for others. Take time to relax and let go of stress.
October Hunter's Moon Aries Take Action: Be bold and decisive. This is the time to start new ventures, tackle obstacles head-on, and take charge of your personal and professional life.
November Beaver Moon Taurus Build Stability: Focus on creating a strong foundation in your life, particularly in finances and material security. Reconnect with nature and appreciate the simple joys of life.
December Cold Moon Gemini Communicate and Learn: Engage in intellectual conversations and open your mind to new ideas. Focus on improving your communication skills and learning new concepts or hobbies.

This chart offers a guide for aligning with each Full Moon's unique energy, giving you ways to harness their influences for personal growth, creativity, and empowerment throughout the year.


The New and Full Moons in 2025 are powerful tools for self-discovery, transformation, and manifestation. By understanding their significance and incorporating them into your spiritual practice, you can align with the natural rhythms of the universe and create profound change in your life. Our Rox Box Full Moon Collections are here to support you in connecting with the moon's energy, offering the perfect crystal companions to enhance your journey.

Ready to explore the lunar magic? Click through the links to discover the perfect crystal set for each Full Moon throughout 2025. Embrace the power of the moon and let it guide you to new heights of spiritual growth.