March Birthstones: A Deep Dive into Aquamarine & Bloodstone

March 29, 2024

March Birthstones: A Deep Dive into Aquamarine & Bloodstone


What color do you associate with March? For many, it's the peaceful blue of Aquamarine, the birthstone that embodies the calmness of the sea. This gem has won hearts with its calming aura and shiny appeal. It's a stone that doesn't just rely on its beauty; it carries a legacy rich in history and mythology.

Diving into the Sparkling Sea of Birthstones

Birthstones aren't just beautiful jewels; they are individual symbols, representing the month of our birth. Each gem has its own tale to tell, with special characteristics that connect with those who wear them in different ways. Aquamarine, with its transparent blue shades, is like a piece of the sea captured in a crystal, providing a feeling of peace to those who need it.

Birthstones of March: Aquamarine and Bloodstone

March is the only month that can boast two birthstones: the calm and cool aquamarine and the sturdy bloodstone. Aquamarine is known for its clear blue allure, while bloodstone has a more understated appeal with its deep green color and red speckles. The two stones offer a wide range of choices for those born in March.

A Brief Look at the History, Characteristics, and Significance

Just like the sea it mirrors, the tale of aquamarine is rich and profound. The term 'aqua marinus' is Latin for 'water of the sea', which gives us a clue about the gemstone's link to the ocean. In days of old, sailors were convinced that aquamarine had the power to soothe stormy waters and keep them safe during their travels. Besides its nautical lore, aquamarine has also been seen as a symbol of innocence, youth, and optimism.

Birthstones of March

Those born in the changeable month of March are gifted with two distinct birthstones to choose from. Whether you feel more aligned with the calming azure of the aquamarine, or the robust power of the bloodstone, both have been cherished for centuries, worn by kings and soldiers alike. Their lasting popularity speaks to their adaptability and our profound bond with the earth.

Though aquamarine is highly prized for its clear, calming hue, bloodstone possesses a more understated, earthy charm. Each is potent in its own way, representing health and fortitude.

Let's delve deeper into aquamarine, the gem that encapsulates March with its oceanic colors and crystal-clear transparency.

March's Two Birthstones: The Story of Aquamarine and Bloodstone

Throughout history, each month of the year has been linked with certain gemstones by different cultures. In the case of March, both aquamarine and bloodstone have been chosen to represent the month's dual characteristics. As winter transitions into spring, these stones symbolize the change from the past to the future, from the strength required to endure the harsh winter to the refreshing cleanliness of spring.

Alternative Stones for March Birthdays: More Than Just Aquamarine

Aquamarine and bloodstone are the typical birthstones for March, but other gems are also associated with this month in various traditions. Jasper and jade are some of the alternative March stones in certain cultures. Despite this, aquamarine continues to be the most popular choice due to its stunning beauty and the sense of tranquility it invokes.

Diving In: The Physical Characteristics of Aquamarine

The mesmerizing range of blue shades in Aquamarine, from the lightest sky blue to the deepest sea green, captivates onlookers. This gemstone is a member of the beryl family, which also boasts emerald and morganite. Its color is a result of small amounts of iron found within the crystal structure. What's most striking about aquamarine is its clarity; it's not uncommon to find stones that are nearly inclusion-free, making them as transparent as the clearest waters.

The Story of Aquamarine: Symbolism Around the World

Aquamarine is a gemstone that has been admired around the world, not only for its stunning beauty, but also for its symbolic meanings. In ancient Rome, people believed that aquamarine could cure stomach, liver, and throat diseases. Sailors used to wear aquamarine amulets for protection while they were at sea. In certain cultures, aquamarine was believed to bring marital bliss and rekindle love. The gemstone's association with the sea and sky made it a symbol of eternal life and purity.

Aquamarine: The Gem of Tranquility

History and mythology of Aquamarine

Aquamarine has a rich history dating back to ancient times. The name "aquamarine" is derived from the Latin words "aqua," meaning water, and "marina," meaning of the sea. This gemstone was believed to have been treasured by sailors for its association with the ocean and its calming properties. In ancient folklore, Aquamarine was thought to be the treasure of mermaids and was often carried by sailors as a talisman for protection against shipwrecks and sea monsters.

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Throughout history, Aquamarine has been revered by various cultures for its beauty and believed mystical properties. The ancient Romans believed that Aquamarine was sacred to Neptune, the god of the sea, and considered it a symbol of love and happiness. In medieval Europe, Aquamarine was believed to have healing powers and was used to treat various ailments, particularly those related to the eyes and throat.

Characteristics and properties of Aquamarine

Aquamarine is a variety of the mineral beryl, which also includes other gemstones such as emerald and morganite. It is prized for its stunning blue to blue-green color, which ranges from pale to deep hues reminiscent of the ocean. The color of Aquamarine is due to trace amounts of iron in its crystal structure.

In addition to its captivating color, Aquamarine is known for its excellent clarity and transparency, often appearing almost flawless. It has a vitreous luster and is typically faceted to enhance its brilliance and sparkle. Aquamarine is a relatively hard gemstone, ranking 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale of hardness, making it suitable for everyday wear in jewelry.

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Symbolism and meaning of Aquamarine

Aquamarine is commonly associated with tranquility, serenity, and clarity. Its calming blue hues evoke the soothing qualities of water, bringing a sense of peace and relaxation to the wearer. As a symbol of the sea, Aquamarine is also linked to themes of adventure, exploration, and freedom.

In addition to its calming properties, Aquamarine is believed to promote clear communication and self-expression. It is said to encourage honesty, courage, and compassion, making it a valuable aid in both personal and professional relationships. Aquamarine is often used in meditation and spiritual practices to enhance intuition and connect with the higher self.

Overall, Aquamarine is a gemstone that embodies the essence of tranquility and inner peace, offering a gentle reminder to navigate life's challenges with grace and clarity. Whether worn as jewelry or used in spiritual rituals, Aquamarine serves as a beautiful symbol of serenity and harmony.

Bloodstone: The Gem of Bravery and Energy

In contrast to the calming influence of aquamarine, bloodstone, the other birthstone for March, is a symbol of strength and energy. Also referred to as heliotrope, this gem is a deep green chalcedony adorned with bright red spots of iron oxide. The striking contrast in the stone has historically been seen as a sign of power and perseverance.

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The Storied History of Bloodstone

Steeped in mythology and legend, bloodstone has a rich history. In the Middle Ages, the red spots on the stone were believed to be the blood of Christ, hence the name bloodstone. Warriors would carry this stone into battle, believing it had the ability to stop bleeding and heal wounds. Because of its reputation as a talisman for health and longevity, it was highly valued in many societies.

Bloodstone: A Closer Look at Its Composition

Bloodstone, at its essence, is a type of quartz. Its hardness, which is a firm 7 on the Mohs scale, makes it resilient enough for daily wear. The green background can be created by the presence of chlorite or hornblende needles, while the characteristic red splatters are provided by iron oxide. This special composition gives each bloodstone its own unique pattern, with a story behind every spot.

Bloodstone's Everlasting Impact: The Vibrant Power

Bloodstone's appeal is not just its striking look. It has been linked with a variety of metaphysical properties throughout history, from increasing energy and stamina to promoting bravery and defending against negativity. Its grounding energy is said to be particularly effective in rejuvenating not only the physical body, but also the spirit.

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Aquamarine and Bloodstone: A Contrast

The juxtaposition of aquamarine and bloodstone is striking. Aquamarine's serene blue hue communicates a different part of the human experience than the robust, grounded colors of bloodstone. Despite their differences, both stones reflect the splendor of nature and have been historically revered as protective amulets.

Examining the Differences: Looks vs. Makeup

Let's take a look at the two side by side:





Blue to greenish-blue

Dark green with red spots

Hardness (Mohs Scale)

7.5 - 8




Chalcedony (Quartz)





Serenity, purity

Strength, vitality

Cultural Significance: Historical Perspectives

Aquamarine and bloodstone have carried different meanings in various cultures throughout history. Aquamarine, with its connection to the sea, was seen as a symbol of safe travel and was a popular choice among seafarers. Bloodstone, however, was associated with health and vitality and was often used in amulets and talismans for healing purposes.

Decorating Ourselves: Current Use in Jewelry and More

These days, aquamarine is frequently cut into a range of shapes and set in high-quality jewelry, admired for its clearness and calming color. Bloodstone, although not as popular in current jewelry, is still cherished for its distinct look and historical importance. Both stones are fashioned into items that pay tribute to their past while accepting modern design.

Therapeutic and Mystical Attributes

Most people are attracted to gemstones not just for their physical attractiveness but also for the therapeutic and mystical attributes they are thought to have. Aquamarine is thought to have a calming influence, helping to calm the mind and alleviate stress. Bloodstone, on the other hand, is frequently used for its energizing and invigorating properties.

Blending the Physical and Spiritual: A Look at Healing Properties

Healing arts enthusiasts often turn to aquamarine for emotional healing, as it is believed to help let go of anger and lessen anxiety. Bloodstone, on the other hand, is typically used to energize the body, enhance circulation, and aid in detoxification. While these properties are mostly based on personal accounts, they have been part of traditions for hundreds of years.

Using Aquamarine and Bloodstone in Alternative Healing Practices

Alternative healing practices often use aquamarine and bloodstone. Crystal healers use aquamarine to align the chakras, especially the throat chakra, to improve communication. Bloodstone, linked to the root chakra, is believed to ground and protect the person wearing it.

For instance, a person who has a fear of public speaking might choose to wear or carry an aquamarine stone to help them communicate clearly and calmly. On the other hand, an athlete might opt for bloodstone due to its supposed ability to enhance endurance and strength.

Enhancing Spiritual Practices with March Birthstones

Gemstones like aquamarine and bloodstone are not just beautiful to look at; they can also be incorporated into spiritual practices. Whether they are used during meditation, included in a yoga routine, or simply worn as a symbol of one's intentions, these stones can be powerful aids in the quest for inner peace and empowerment.

Gemstones like aquamarine and bloodstone are not only visually appealing, they can also be used in spiritual practices. They can be used in meditation, during yoga, or even just worn as a reminder of one's goals. These stones can be very helpful in achieving inner peace and empowerment.

Final Thoughts

Our exploration of the fascinating realm of aquamarine reveals that this gemstone is not just a beautiful accessory. Its long-standing history, therapeutic benefits, and associated myths illustrate the profound bond that humans have with the gifts of the Earth. Whether you are drawn to the calming blue of aquamarine or the vibrant vitality of bloodstone, the birthstones of March have something unique to offer everyone.

Wearing these stones can be a way to honor individual accomplishments, utilize their supposed healing powers, or just appreciate their innate loveliness. The decision to make aquamarine or bloodstone your own personal stone is a very personal one, representing your preferences, life experiences, and the characteristics you want to bring into your existence.

Wrapping Up the Brilliance of March's Birthstones

With its calming blue hue, Aquamarine embodies peace and lucidity, while the audacious and earthly bloodstone signifies bravery and energy. Both stones have been used to embellish crowns and have been taken into war, but now, they can be a part of your everyday life, bringing elegance and maybe a bit of enchantment to the mundane.

Exploring the Depths of Aquamarine and Bloodstone

Aquamarine and bloodstone are more than just birthstones for those born in March. They are pieces of history, geological marvels, and sources of artistic inspiration. When you wear these gems, you're not just adding a pop of color to your outfit, you're connecting with a long line of people who have admired these stones for centuries.

When set in a ring, pendant, or bracelet, aquamarine and bloodstone can serve as daily reminders of your special place in the world and the timeless beauty of nature's art.

Building a Bond with Nature through Precious Stones

Donning aquamarine or bloodstone, pieces of the Earth itself, can be a profound means of building a bond with nature. These stones serve as a reminder of the beauty that exists beneath our feet and the importance of protecting the environment that produced them. By wearing them, we pay tribute to the Earth and its countless enigmas.

Common Questions

What Determines a Birthstone's Worth?

A birthstone's worth is determined by a variety of factors. Its rarity, color, clarity, and cut are crucial, but its historical significance and personal meaning to the wearer also play a role. For instance, a high-quality aquamarine with deep, saturated color and clear visibility will typically be more valuable than a paler, included stone.

Is it Okay to Wear Aquamarine and Bloodstone Together?

Definitely! Although they have different appearances, aquamarine and bloodstone can beautifully complement each other. Wearing them together can create a unique and personal statement that highlights the two birthstones of March.

How to Spot Real Aquamarine and Bloodstone

Real aquamarine can be identified by its characteristic blue to greenish-blue color and exceptional clarity. It should not have any yellow or brown hues. Bloodstone, conversely, should feature a dark green base with unique red specks. If you're unsure, consult with a certified gemologist.

It's crucial to be on the lookout for fakes and treatments. Certain stones might be dyed or heat-treated to make their color more vibrant. Understanding where your gemstone came from and how it was treated can help you make a knowledgeable purchase.

How do I choose the right birthstone?

Deciding between aquamarine and bloodstone as your birthstone is a personal decision. Take into account what each stone symbolizes and how it resonates with you. Consider the color you're attracted to and the type of jewelry you like to wear. Trust your gut when choosing a stone that has significance for you.

Can Birthstones Impact Health and Vitality?

Even though there isn't any empirical proof to back up the claim that birthstones impact health and vitality, many individuals have faith in their metaphysical characteristics. Aquamarine is thought to foster tranquility and clear-headedness, while bloodstone is said to boost vitality and vigor. Donning these stones could be a method to concentrate on these traits and establish equilibrium in your life.

Wrapping up, whether you're attracted to the tranquil shades of aquamarine or the strong vitality of bloodstone, these gems can enhance your life in various ways. Explore the realm of gemstones, and you might just discover a piece of the Earth's wonder that you can claim as your own.