D E S C R I P T I O N O F P U R C H A S E:
This purchase is for one channeled, custom Crystal Healing Grid with brief crystal write up/ intentions located on the back of the grid
Your custom crystal grid arrives matted and framed
The grid you will receive is made to order and is special and unique to you.
Your grid comes programmed for the highest and best good and aligned with your intention.

P U R P O S E O F A C R Y S T A L G R I D:
What is a Sacred Crystal Healing Grid?:::::
A crystal grid is the placing of stones in a sacred geometric pattern based on a specific intent/purpose/goal. The formation of ley lines combined with specific stones creates a very strong vortex of Life Force energy.

How does it work?:::::
The energy of the crystals, the geometric pattern, and your intention all work as one energy towards a common goal. The grids assist your energetic body/space in tuning your vibrational frequency to allow that which is your intention to physically manifest. When you are in vibrational alignment with your desires and intentions,
deep healing & manifestation occur!

P L E A S E A N S W E R T H E F O L L O W I N G:
1. Your name (or the name of the person whom it is for…if it’s a gift)
2. Your email address
3. Briefly describe your intention/ what you are working on or going through that you would like assistance from the mineral kingdom.
4. Favorite colors
5. Do I have your permission to connect with your higher-self regarding the intention you have presented?
6. Any other information you feel drawn to share.

A B O U T M E:
I am a metaphysical artist with a background in education and Art Therapy. I have used healing crystals/ minerals in my life and work since I was a child. I have always approached my artwork in an intuitive way allowing channeled expressions to come through in my pieces. It is truly a collaborative effort with source (all that is). My job is to allow the divine visual expression/messages in.

I work closely with the plant and animal kingdoms as well. Holding certificates in Aromatherapy, Advanced Reiki, and Theta Healing. I am on a spiritual path and it is my intention to share these healing gifts with those who are seeking this type of information.

D I S C L A I M E R:
This product is for entertainment purposes only. Your consultation is subject to your own personal interpretation. The information you receive from this consultation does not constitute psychological, medical, business, or financial advice. The client receiving this product is responsible for all their own choices and/or actions regarding their product and reading.

S H I P P I N G:
All Crystal Grids are one of a kind and made to order. Your Crystal Grid will ship out in approx 1-4 weeks from the day I receive the answers to your questions from the “Please Answer the Following” section.

We will be in touch through email for your custom consultation. 
Love and Light to all:)

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